What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Was That It?

Really, was that IT? The weekend? It went by in a blink. So much for my to-do list and many plans.

I didn't feel great on Saturday. So I mostly read a book and every now and then did some things around the house. Overall I didn't do too badly: got the dishes done, laundry washed, folded and put away, made a loaf of bread, planned menues and made a grocery list for the upcoming week, and managed to have a really good read as well. Actually, aside from folding and putting the laundry away I felt like I was feeding machines throughout the day. Washer and drier, dishwasher, bread machine and so on. Thank God for machines of efficiency.

On Friday, I had promised Daniel that we would make a loaf of bread together on Saturday. So, for the first time since we've moved into the house, I dug out our bread machine. We had a blast putting the ingredients into the machine - only a bit of flour ended up all over the counter and kettle. After the machine had warmed up, it began mixing and kneading the ingredients. I don't think the machine is feeling well however. It sounded like: whun, whun , whun, whuuuuuuuuunnn, then a big pause as though it were trying to gather strength, whun, whun, whun... "Is the bread machine dying Mommy?" "Perhaps, Sweetie, let's wait and see what happens." The machine trudged noisily on and managed to churn out a loaf of bread. The house smelled sooo good. Before bed Daniel and I shared a slice of his freshly baked bread - yummy.

Daryle worked on a friend's brakes for a few hours on Saturday, then he headed into the back yard to do some work on the playground. I don't know where he gets the energy from. I could barely manage to saunter down to the lower grassy level just to chat to him.

I had much more energy on Sunday. I got out into the garden for quite a while, deadheading, weeding and a little watering. I'm fortunate that this year most of my plants are well-established and don't need much coddling. The lilies and daylilies don't mind being neglected along with the bleeding heart, false phlox, Egyptian onions, chives, oregano, mint, parsley, bachelor's buttons, azaleas, etc. The only plants I ended up watering were the newly sprouted pear or apple tree, leeks, carrots, beans, and newly planted forget-me-nots.

As I puttered in the garden, Daryle was busy with Daniel's playground. He got the swing beam and a-frame assembly up and swings attached, attached the slide and also the ladder. I was thrilled to watch Daniel finally play on his lovely playground. I'll have to make a special card for the grandparents with a photo of Daniel playing. In the evening Daryle told me he wished he'd built the playground earlier. I told him not to beat himself up about it - I'm just glad that he'll be able to get some use out of it for at least a couple more years.

As the weekend wound down, I again vanished into my book. When my parents gave it to me at Christmas I wondered what they'd been thinking. A murder mystery? Me? They're going to give me nightmares. However, after ploughing through several period dramas since the holidays, I finally picked up Louise Penny's "The Brutal Telling" and have since been completely absorbed. The author will be at the Sechelt Writers' Festival this year - I'll be making a point to attend their lecture.