What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Quickly Now...

I have exactly 7 minutes to get out a quick update of what my evening has in store for me:

Tonight I'm going to pick up the boys, raid the neighbour's garden for fresh veggies and figs, rush inside to make dinner (I'm thinking rice, chicken, fresh greens and broccoli), give the boys their baths, prepare formula, wash the dishes, hopefully throw on a load or two of laundry, read a bedtime story, put the boys to bed, work a little bit on Andy's busy book, then collapse into bed.

Oh, and I was hoping to raid the blackberry patch again for some more berries to make into jam

... and play with the boys

... and spend some time with Daryle

... and organize my photos for an upcoming scrap booking event

... and read my book

... and update my blog

** I have about 2 minutes left **

... and finally clip that hangnail that keeps snagging on EVERYTHING

... and call a couple of friends to catch up on how their week went.

** 1 minute left **

Whewww. I'm exhausted just thinking about everything.

I think I'll just enjoy the minute of relaxation - it may be my last for the day (laughing).

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