What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Monday, March 22, 2010

If Only I Had a Brain

Oh my poor befuddled brain. I can't seem to function today. Just trying to match payments to invoices seems to be beyond me. Ugggh. And I'm about to embark on preparing the PST & GST tax remittances. Please, please brain, work for just an hour this afternoon. I'm begging - PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top.

It was around this time last year, under very similar circumstances that I totally botched up the GST remittance. I'll have to be very, very careful not to do that again. Focus, concentrate. Breathe.

This morning I found myself confused while making lunches. Really, how difficult is it to assemble a sandwich and two light snacks? According to what actually made it to work in my lunch bag - very difficult. I also think I'd better make a beeline home after work. I don't recall turning off the DVD player/TV in the bedroom this morning. The theme music for North & South will drift down the hallway to greet me when I open the front door tonight.

I wonder how dinner preparation will go tonight? Could be interesting.

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