What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Healthier Habits

I've been trying to eat healthier foods lately. Of course one's definition of a healthy food varies from person to person - my aim is to reduce my junk food intake. Things like pop, chips, fries, greasy items, cookies, etc. My view of food has also changed. I'm finally coming to the realisation that everyday is not 'feast day.' While getting healthy is my goal, losing some weight in the meantime would be nice.

I'm quite happy with my efforts to make healthier choices. Last night, for example, when I was yearning for something sweet, namely icecream or cookies, I managed to use some self-control and ate a banana instead. I'm celebrating all my small victories these days - life's too short not to.

Tonight I think I'll excercise. Don't laugh. Because I haven't been very active lately I'll have to begin with a very light workout. Some stretching, light cardio, more stretching: probably go for a walk with Daryle and Daniel after work.

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