What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Have I Learned Lately?

Although my life has accelerated to break-neck speed, I feel like my mind is a little stagnant. One of my very close friends focuses on learning. With this in mind, I've been looking at my life through a learning lens:

1) I have learned that if Andy's arms are waving, the chances of me wearing his meal are very high. I sit here with oatmealy circular splotches on my navy pants - remnants of Andy's breakfast.
2) I have learned that I can get a lot done around the house in the minute or two that it takes a bottle to warm up.
3) I have learned that both my sons are gentle, caring children.
4) I have learned that I must stop and try to assist an animal in distress, despite the impact it will have on my day. Shame on whoever it was that hit Bob the gentle neighbourhood cat, and left him to try dragging his broken and bleeding body home.
5) I have learned that I have the power to stand up to aggressive bank managers and insist that they respect my position in the company and that I will take my time and proceed with care when implementing new processes. I refuse to be railroaded.
6) I have learned that a soft voice or gentle touch is much more likely to get positive results when trying to get myself and the boys out the door in a timely manner in the mornings.
7) I have learned that I need to take time for myself.
8) I have learned that I love my life. I need to keep striving for balance, but ultimately, I love the way things are going.

1 comment:

  1. Those are all great things to learn and acknowledge. I bet you've learned a lot more these past few months like, how strong you are - physically and emotionally. You are a strong person who continues to get stronger each and every day. As you expand your responsibilities at work, you (and everyone else) are learning how flexible, persistent, capable, and bright you are. You have also learned how great you are at juggling life, and how great you are at multi-tasking - at work and at home.
