What's This About?

My ordinary day to day life. Thoughts and musings on the realities of my existence.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cheerful, Rainy Day

It is my father's birthday today. Happy Birthday Dad!!

When I was quite young, every Saturday morning we would go for a walk, rain or shine. How I loved walking with him in the rain. We talked about... anything, everything.

As the rain began to fall this afternoon, I began to hum a tune. Then a few words started to fill in. Very quickly a little simple song evolved. I wish I could write the tune down, perhaps I'll pick out the chords on my ukulele and jot them down sometime. Anyways, here's my little ditty:


Here comes the rain

Falling, tapping on the windowpane,

knocking at the door.

Come outside and play, to me it sang.

La, la, la, la, la la

Rivulets of water, my hollow soul to fill,

resist them if you can, resist them until…

Rain drops, splashing, laughing as they fall,

tickle down my back. What a sense of thrill.

Take my hand, sing with me.

Together we’ll dance. Together we’ll be.

Rain washes all the pain away,

Rejoice in the rain, come dance with me.

La, la, la, la, la la


Have a lovely weekend!

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